I have decided I am taking over the web site. I figured nobody would mind since we haven't posted in the last ten months. Soooo...I guess I will start with summing up the past ten months of ZPO activity, along with other bits of nonsince that enters my mind...
I figure Initiation is as good a place to start as any. In reality there were founder meetings before that, but i dont really remember when there where. I do know that we decided to start ZPO one night at Liz's house. Boo, Rhi, Liz and I were having dinner and the idea to set aside a night once a month where our closest friends would get to come together to talk, laugh and catch up seemed like the perfect idea. We had been talking about our plans for the next couple of big events, and Liz pulled out a note pad and pen to take notes. I told her she was the scribe of our new club, and the sorority was born. As the four of us discussed who it invite and how to set up meeting, we realized we wanted to make the invition special.
We planned a dinner and secret ceremony for Cafe Jennifer's. We decided there would be four pledges; Missy, Whitney, Candice and Charing. I am sad to say that at the last minute Charing was not able to attend the initiation...a problem we still have yet to correct. We had the private room at the resturant, so our secret ceremony is safe! I am sad to say I do not remember the exact date of this, but it was the day ZPO came to life!
January's meeting-Boo's house (1-8-05...8:30 pm...coach planner has a use!)
Our fist official meeting was a huge sucess! okay....so i dont remember a lot about it, but I do know that the Jets were playing in the playoff's, so the game was on in the background. I cant remember what we ate...sorry...i am sure it was great. I do know there was lots of eating, talking and laughing. it was charings first ZPO event. Unfortunatly whitney was not able to attend.
February's meeting-Belini's (2-19-05)
So, for our second meeting we met at my house for dinner at Belini's. I do have this picture and will attempt to add it soon. Whitney was not able to attend, but I am sad to say I cannot remember why. The other seven of us had a wonderful time. Here is what I remember about the evening....Everyone looked really wonderful (man, I have attractive friends!)...we did some drinking at the bar before dinner...the food was wonderful, but liz's had to much pepper (why do i remember this?)....we stayed very late talking and enjoying time with each other. ZPO is such a great idea!!
March meeting- Smore's-Rhi and Candice's house (3-19-05 7 pm)
Candice was itching for some smores. it seemed the perfect time for a pajama party! There is some sad news to report with this meeting. First off, Whitney decided to leave ZPO. We were all very sad, but she didnt feel like she had time. Another piece of monthly sad news was that Candice was very ill. damn the strep. thank God we had made smores the weekend before, so she didnt totally miss them. She was still at the meeting, just a little out of it.
We all brought food to this meeting. I could be totally wrong here, but i think liz brought ham roll-ups, boo got marshmellows and gram crackers, charing and I brought chinese and a couple of bottles of wine, Rhi and candice had the choc and the firewood. Missy had just driven in from spring break, so all she needed to bring was her pretty self!
This was the meeting where, in an unfortunate accident, a lighter was tossed across the room, and in the first laps ever in Rhiannons athletic ability, her aim was just slightly off....I am sad to report that it did indeed land in a tart burner full of melted wax. As I am sure you can imagine (or remember for those of you who were there) the lighter (following all rules of physics) displaced it's weight in wax out of the tart burner. where did said wax go you might ask. thats right. all over charing. sure, it hit others here and there. but poor charing was covered. a moment of silence will be held for the Pumma warm up suit at next years march meeting...on the one year anniversery of its demise.
oh yea...i almost forgot, so you can thank sister boo for this tid bit....we couldnt seem to get the damn fire started...so...charing, in all her glorius wisdom had brought her smores maker. "YES!! We're in busness!!" we all thought....I am sad to report that although we had the smores makes, she had forgotten the gas. that left us to roast the 'mellows over individual tea lights. what a meeting!
April meeting-Charlie Browns and Redmon's- (4/30/05)
oh, yea....you all remember this one. This was the night that ZPO went a little wild. All seven members were there. Charlie Browns was very good, but the memerable part of the evening was at Redmon's.
We were smart enough to reserve a table. I cannot say how many drinks our little group of seven consumed (i know it would have been a lot more if charing wasnt drinking diet coke...for reasons to be explained later). A night always looks good when you walk into the door of a place a people start getting hit on. Rhi picked up a man in about thiry seconds. okay...so, he ended up being crazy and he called her about a million times yelling at her machine "WHY DONT YOU EVEN ANSWER YOUR PHONE!!!" but still... at the time it seemed like a good omen. At one point Rhi asked Charing and I if we thought the guy with the goatee in the leather jacket was cute. we looked at him, decided he was, and the, to our horror seeing as how we had been staring him down for some time, we found out he was a different guy with a goatee in a leather jacket. shame.
The group talked and drank through the terrible opening act...and then Redmon came on. We sang, we danced. If i am not mistaken at one point we worked our way all the way to the front of the stage, and managed to draw our fair share of attention from Redmon himself (esp sister missy!) We closed the bar down, and since that was three am, that is saying something!
*** correction...i have been reminded that liz was not able to attend the Redmon's meeting due to the car accident she was in the day before. I am sorry I forgot!!***
May meeting-???
I could be missing something really big here, but as far as my calender says, we missed may. I kind of remember this, because the april meeting was so late. This was the month that Boo and Rhi graduated with their masters, we went to Kings Island, and when we found out Liz and Cory were going to have a baby! A big month, even without a meeting!
June meeting-My house-grill out (6-18-05)
Well, this is the meeting where Liz got very...very VERY ill. she left my house early because she knew she wasnt feeling well. We had a big day because of sis day that morning, then looking at a house. combine that with her being newly pregnant and her body just couldnt handle it. now, the saddest part of this story did not happen at my house, oh no. it happened in her mustang. thats right. there was vomit, and a lot of it. enough to where she pulled over and a trucker stopped to help her. hell of a trucker in my opinion. I have to say if I saw a stranger throwing up all over the place....i would keep right on going!
The rest of us (minus Charing who was in New York at the time) ate a wonderful (if I do say so myself) dinner on my back patio. we drank some wine and had some fun. It would have been perfect if we all could have been there!!
July meeting- Fiddler on the Roof...oh no, to hot for that...Punchini's (7-23-05)
this is the meeting where we show we are big babies...at least I am. First thing is first. This is the first meeting after Charing anounced that yes...it is true....she is pregnant. now, the most intersting part of the announcment was that...not only was she pregnant, but that she was about six months pregnant, and that is was a boy. We all cant wait for the newest Kelsey, due on Halloween (hopefully to be pictured soon in a mighty fine lobster suit)
now, back to us being lazy. we were planning on going to see Fiddler on the Roof, but it was hot so we crapped out. Liz and Rhi were not able to go, so the five of us plus Stephanie went to eat at Puchini's. It was really great!
August meeting-Charings baby shower- Boo's (8-20-05)
SURPRISE!!! For the August meeting of ZPO, we decided to throw charing a surprise baby shower. Saddly, missy had to work, so she didnt get to attend, but it was really wonderful. We made a fried chicken dinner and gave charing a stroller and car seat. Once baby Kelsey gets here, we will post a picture of him in his new wheels. She also received a care bear from liz and a very attractive lobster halloween costume from Boo and I. What mother doesnt want her baby to be a lobster for Halloween??
September meeting- Murry's (9-9-05)
What is better on a late summer night than having dinner on a patio with live music? well, the ZPO's couldn't think of a thing! That is how we decided to spend our september meeting. We met at Murry's at 7:30. We waited inside at the bar for a table, and that was really nice. Those of us not pregnant had a couple of drinks while we discussed the question for yeast being a fungus. damn we are entertaining!
Once we were seated, we decided to order appitizers to share and each get a salad. I have to say I was disapointed with mine (does anybody know how hard it is to pick out mushrooms in the dark....damn near impossible!), but the appitizers were wonderful and and so was the company, so they made up for it! Missy again had to work this month, so she was not able to attend...we need to get that in order!
I can't believe it....this was our last meeting. We are up to date!!! Also...for the record the spell check doesnt seem to work on this thing...soooooo, i know i cant spell and i am sure there are about a million mistakes. sorry!