Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Long Time No Post!

Hello, hello everyone! So sorry I have fallen off the posting wagon over the past week or so. I have been so overwhelmed with wedding planning that the website has moved to the back burner...way back, like in someone else's kitchen. Anyways, I thought I would update on my lunch about what has been going on as of late!

Liz is officially back at work! She went back last Wednesday and Charing has been keeping baby Wesley. Wes and Carter are getting along great and I am sure Liz is enjoying getting into her new routine.

There was a lot of family in town this weekend. We seem to have cousin Matt and Cory's family on the same schedule because they were both in again this weekend. Both visits went great!

Candice is eagerly anticipating spring break next week, and Missy is starting school the beginning of May (I think). I am sure Boo and Rhi are working hard on their National Boards as well....

There is more going on, but I have about five minutes of lunch left and I need to run...this is not the best post, but I will be damned if I erase it when I finally got around to writing something! Maybe some Pictures will help!

Liz and Wes in their matching vests

Boo and Carter hanging out

The L garding the house

Me and Nick relaxin' maxin'