Okay, so needless to say we were dragging a little on Sunday morning. I think we were all pretty sure we were going to die. Charing and I got up and went down to Starbucks to get some life saving coffee and bring it back for everyone. We all got ready and headed down to

The show was really amazing. I will never understand how people are

After the show we headed back to NYNY, got ready for dinner and then met back up with Carole and Cheryl. We headed over to their hotel where they took us all out to dinner at a wonderful steak place! It was so wonderful of them, thank you both so much! The food and the company was wonderful!
When we were done with dinner Missy and Candice went up to Carole and Cheryl's room and took a nap while the rest of us got a table and played black jack. Aunt Carole was so wonderful and a very patient teacher for all of us!

After our night at the tables we woke up the other girls and headed back over to NYNY. We were all pretty tired (well, not Charing, but the rest of us just couldn't keep up!) So we decided to stay at our hotel for the night. Liz was beat so she stayed in the room, but the rest of us went down to the dueling piano bar. It was REALLY fun and a perfect relaxing night. They had two grand pianos and everyone was crowed around while they played and sang. The crowd all sang, drank beer and danced

We left the bar around two and headed up to bed. We were up at seven thirty I think to get checked out and head for home....we gambled at the airport, lost a little money, bought some breakfast and jumped on a plane home! And that is about it everyone...the last piece of the greatest bachelorette party EVER. I really cannot thank everyone enough for giving me such wonderful memories with you all. I will cherish then forever!
...by the way, we clearly were not in the picture taking mood by day three and four because this is all we have folks...makes me feel bad for not getting this post up sooner! Also, I love the last pic of Candice...it makes me laugh every time I look at it!