The Best Bachelorette Party EVER!!
With a title like that I am sure you are all expecting an amazing Part Two to this Vegas story...well, I am not
going to disappoint you all! Saturday was official Bachelorette Party night. I will be getting to that shortly, but I am sure you are all dying to know what we did with our day as well!
Liz was up a little earlier than the rest of us because she made it into be before us. She spent the morning
exploring the hotel and having another delicious omelet! She came back to the room around 9 am and was getting ready to head down to the pool. We all decided we had enough sleep and wanted to get out in the sun!
This part is a little fuzzy to me...I am sure we ate, but I can't remember it for the life of me! Anyways, we all got down to the pool layed out for a bit and realized it was a little cloudy. Who has ever heard of clouds in Vegas? Anyways, we realized with the shade it would be the perfect time to walk the strip!

We walked from NYNY down to the Bellagio and got to see the end of the amazing fountain show. I love it so much! We went into the Bellagio to take a look at the conservatory, which
was very nice. We were happy it was indoors because by this time it was really getting hot!
When we were done we headed over to Ceasers Palace to have lunch at Chinoi's. The food was wonderful and we had a really great time! It was actually located in an amazing
mall that we couldn't really afford to buy things at, but was really amazing to see!
After lunch we hopped on the monorail and headed back for our
hotel. Some girls grabbed a quick nap, and the rest of us sat around talking and laughing in the other room. we eventually got up and got the ball
rolling on night two!
We got taxi's over to the Paris hotel for dinner. Liz, Candice and I had a near death experience in our
cab...really terrifying. Once we all arrived we headed up into the Eiffel Tower for dinner. The view was truly amazing! We all had a wonderful meal (well, Boo and Missy
did after they worked through the problems with the definition of well done salmon!) Boo was so sweet and she bought my dinner. Thanks Boo!
After we were done eating, we made our way back downstairs and did some gambling and
drinking. Nobody was very lucky at the Paris, but at least the gave us the drinks! Our first club was Risque which was in the Paris hotel, so after we lost some money we made our way over there. Yet again our night club
passes paid off because we skipped the huge line and didn't have to pay the cover! Once we got inside, I decided it was time to break out the Bachelorette gear that Charing had gotten me. I was already wearing all
white...clearly a sign of a bride, plus my shirt that boo got me said "sexy little bride" on it, but just to make it really clear, I added the veil and tiera, the sash that said "bride to be" and
the shot glass around my neck that said "I'm tying the Knott, how about you buy me a shot". I have to say I pulled it off well! It actually was magic because once it was on we were given a free table and then the decided we could have
all of our drinks for free until midnight! We had such a blast. Missy and Charing even picked up a new fashion style from a girl on the dance floor...who wants to
mess with their purse...just hang it around your neck!
Once we were done with Risque we jumped into the taxi line. Liz wasn't
feeling well and was heading back to the hotel and the rest of us were in heals and decided it was worth it to catch a take us across the street. Once we got to the Bellagio we
headed for the club Light. It was amazing. There were so many people! They played great music and we danced and had a blast. The more we
danced and drank the more Missy and Charing HAD to get onto the poll...of course they made it up there...but were eventually booted for the professional to get back up!
After Light we all needed a little break. We did some gambling in the Bellagio and I won some
money on Wheel of Fortune! it wasn't that much $15...and I was yelling and so excited that the workers came over because they were sure I had hit a HUGE jackpot....just a little embarrassing! We were
all a little tired(Missy even took a quick power nap at the slots...but then she was good to go!), but we knew it was way to early to stop on the big night (I have no memory of the time,
by the way...)
The next bar we went to was Caramel. It was really relaxed and nice to have a couple of drinks at, but we needed to
stay hype if we were going to stay up! While there we did manage to take over a table, drink several glasses of Vodka for free!! Once we were done with that it was
time to head out to the next club!!
After Caramel we headed to Pure (an interesting side note, Kevin Federline just shot his new video in this club on Saturday...maybe we can see what it really looks like in there...) Okay, so
we get into Pure, head to the bar, order drinks (Boo gets a water...a $7 water) and as we are paying a fight breaks out between these two guys. There are bouncers jumping in, madness and know how fights go. Anyways, Candice leans over to me and says "I have a bad feeling about this place". How can you have a bad feeling, I mean, sure there was a fight,
but that stuff happens and this is the lightest bar in the world (white walls, black lights, interesting effect but everything is very visible) So we leave the bar and are walking in a single file line and Boo and then Missy make up the end. Out of nowhere this girl comes up and pushes Missy. Missy looks at her like "what was that for?" and the girl says "That's right Bitch, I pushed you!"...ummm...yea. Missy is shocked. A group of people come between them , and when they come back together Missy gives her a look that says "what's wrong with you" the girl starts yelling and cussing at Missy. Missy is really taken aback...I mean, why is this girl going crazy on her? Boo hears the commotion (Charing, Candice and I are to far away, have no idea anything is happening and keep walking) and she tells the girl to leave Missy alone. Right then Boo feels someone grab her arm...she of course assumes it is me coming to get them away from the psycho...but no...It is psychos friend and right as Boo turns she THROWS AN ENTIRE DRINK RIGHT IN HER FACE!!! That's right. So...what did Boo do? What any normal person would, she grabbed the girls hair and took her down to the floor! Missy is still standing there with the girl that started it all, so Missy throws her drink in that girls face! (tit for tat!!!) In the mean time, Boo has managed to get one good blow into the girls face, but they are mainly pulling hair and rolling around on the ground (I SWEAR this is all completely true and not even slightly exaggerated...clearly there is no need for embellishment!) Missy dives in to help out boo, but she falls out of she shoes, sails over top of Boo and the girl and belly flops onto the bar floor. This is about the time the Bouncers arrive and start pulling them apart. As the bouncer runs past me, I realize something is happening and turn to see Boo and Missy held back by the bouncers, Missy going CRAZY trying to get to the girls yelling at them and what not...the girls are yelling back at Missy things such as "we will get you all as soon as you walk out of here!" Boo is soaking wet (as is psycho #1) and had mascara on her face...her shirt is ripped...not good at all. At this point I realize not only is there another fight, but it is BOO AND MISSY that are in it. I am trying to get Candice and Charing, but Charing is trying to sneak into VIP while the bouncers are distracted. She just can't figure out why I wont come with her! I run over (in a veil mind you) and start going a little crazy. I am screaming at anybody who will listen that we just walked in here and these psycho's just ATTACKED my sisters...bla bla bla. Ends up that they escort the crazy girls to security...and escort us not only out of the club, but all the way out of the hotel! That's right, we were in a bar fight and were kicked out of Ceasers Palace. Shame.You think our night is over...heck no! We walk over to the Bellagio to grab a cab back to NYNY(we didn't really want to sit around Ceasars Palace what with the threat they were going to jump us and everything). We get in a minivan taxi and Candice and I are in the back. We are all yelling and mad about the fight, but right as we go to get out, Candice looks down and says..." that MONEY??" She quickly hands it over to me(not wanting to be caught with hot cash or something...I have no problem pocketing it and jumping out of the cab. Like we are ever going to find who it really belonged to!) As soon as the taxi is gone Candice and I get the girls attention to let them know we just got really lucky in the back of the cab. We unroll the cash and there is $140! When you find money in Vegas, you have to gamble it! We went up to the pit boss and asked if he would open a $5 roulette table if we all played. He did (so cool of him!) we ordered some
drinks and tried to win some money! Boo did pretty good, I did okay, but the rest of the girls lost their cash. Oh well, by this point is was 5am and we were starting to wear down a little (plus we were meeting our Aunts in the morning).
Candice and I headed up to the room, but Boo, Missy and Charing went and got some breakfast first. Apparently there was some dancing involved at breakfast, but I wasn't there so that is a story you will have to get from one of them!