Monday, June 26, 2006

Good Bye Josh!

By Rhiannon

Well my little brother Josh is leaving tomorrow. Josh is leaving with his National guard unit to head to Mississippi for training for about 4 months and then he is off to Iraq. Josh has been in the National guard for a little over a year, he had basic training at Fort Benning Georgia and he also spent some time helping out in Louisianna after Hurricane Katrina...He is so dedicated.
On Friday night Josh had a good-bye party and Jennifer, Chris, and Candice came to help with the send off. Josh is one of the craziest/funniest people I know but he is also very sweet and loyal to everyone.

I am very proud of him and his service to our country. I know all the ZPO's wish him a safe tour and a quick return.

A Sister's Love

Small hands grip mine
Walking along,
Slowly, Slowly
Little feet can trip too easily
Questions asked with complete innocence

A few years later
Small bodies clamber into my lap
Bedtime cannot come without a good story
I watch until they are peacefully sleeping
Perfect innocence

More time passes
Angry voices, tears force us together
The little ones cling to me
The older one and I lean together
Who is comforting who?

They continue to grow
Life swirls around us in a flurry
New friends, school programs,
Soccer games, prom
First jobs, first cars
Through it all I keep watch over them

Time keeps moving
They are small no more
They are tall, strong,…Men
But not to me
Phone calls in the evening tell me my place
One needs a place to stay,
Another advice
The oldest-money
In these questions I feel their innocence
Faintly shining in the background

Laughter ensues as we gather at my home
Warm memories hang in the air
Above us, between us, surrounding us
Two leave
I glance at the one who remains
Sleeping curled up on the couch
19 years old
Sucking his thumb
Innocence remains.