Wednesday, January 18, 2006


So I have been sick this week, and let me tell you....I hate being sick! Okay, so never in my life have I met a person who likes being sick, but still. I have basically worked and slept the past couple of days and now I declare myself well!!

We have decided to move the day of the next ZPO meeting, I am thinking it is going to be Wednesday the 25th. Matt is coming in from South Carolina the next weekend, plus Charing is having surgery and would have had to miss, so this works out better all around!

Yea to Rhi for getting the day off for the snow today...what does it take to get Fayette county out of school?? Poor Boo.

One more update and then I am back to work...The 130 meeting lost a combine 12 pounds last week! Yea for us! Just so everyone knows, that is also the exact weight of Carter. This Saturday we are meeting at Rhi and Candice's at 9:30. Everyone is welcome to join us!